Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Ms Marvel: Muslims Must Reject these Superheroes

Ms Marvel and Dust

Marvel announced in 2014 that it was introducing a superhero who will belong to the Muslim faith. The character that is named Kamala Khan or Ms Marvel was created by Sana Amanat, G. Willow Wilson, and Adrian Alphona. 

Marvel studious has created characters belonging to the Christian faith most popular of them being Night Crawler from The X-Men. 

Some Muslims are applauding this development by Marvel studios sayi ng it is high time we saw a Muslim portrayed as a ‘good guy’.

But, in the case of this particular ‘superhero’, Ms Marvel, should Muslims be jubilant?

Background of Ms Marvel

Ms Marvel (Kamala Khan) is a 16 year old ‘Muslim’ girl of Pakistani origin who happens to be an admirer of Captain Marvel (a female superhero). The title, Ms Marvel, has been born by three other superheroes: Carol Denvers (created in 1968), Sharon Ventura (created in 1985) and Karla Sofen (created in 2009). The character, Kamala Khan, is the fourth to bear the title, Ms Marvel.

Here are some reasons why it would not be wise for Muslims to celebrate this.

1. Is Ms Marvel a practicing Muslim?

Being a Muslim does not end at bearing a Muslim name otherwise, Amina Wadud would also be called a Muslim. What exactly will be Muslim about Ms Marvel? 

Ms Marvel
Will she be shown observing salah? 
Will she be wearing a Hijab? 
Will she say ‘subhanallah’ when something bad happens or will she say ‘S***’ or ‘F***’?

The protagonist in the Indonesian movie, The Raid, is a practicing Muslim. In the movie, he was shown observing salah, he was responsible, did not drink or commit adultery, fought against evils that exist in real life and sought the protection of Allah whenever he was about to fight. Now, this is a Muslim superhero.

Will we see the same in Ms Marvel? 

From the drawings and 3D images we have seen of Ms Marvel, she leaves her hair flying in the wind (no hijab) and she wears tight and revealing clothes. That is not ‘Muslim’. 

Superheroes as we know often have illicit sexual relationships among themselves. Kissing, cuddling, sex and even homosexuality have occurred among ‘superheroes’. 

Will Ms Marvel (a Muslim) be that kind of superhero?

2. Partnership with evil personalities

Islamically, all demi-gods are fabrications of the devil, from Vulcan (the god of fire), cupid (the god of love) to Thor (the god of thunder). Others such as Zeus, Odin, e.t.c also fall in this category. 

Marvel introduced Thor as a character for their comics in 1962 and made their first Thor movie in 2011. Lately, Marvel has been combining multiple superheroes in single movies. 

Will Ms Marvel be featured in the same movies as Thor? In other words, will a Muslim be fighting on the same side as a demi-god (the fabrication of satan)? 

The new video game, Marvel’s Avengers, has already featured scenes with Ms Marvel (a Muslim) showing very high regard for Thor (a pagan god). 

The Marvel superheroes also includes the character named Doctor Strange; a sorcerer. These combinations are blasphemous. Muslims don’t collaborate with devils and sorcerers.

3. Ms Marvel’s Ability

According to descriptions by Marvel, Ms Marvel will be a shape shifter i.e. she will have the ability to change her form into whatever she pleases, something like the character named ‘Mystic’ in The X-Men or Shang Tsung in Mortal Kombat. 

Like has been said, a Muslim superhero has to be totally Muslim. Muslims do not believe a human being can have more than one form; it is scripturally impossible (heresy). Only Angels and Jinns have been given that ability. 

The makers of the story say Kamala got her abilities as a result of mutation after a nuclear/radioactive attack. This is just a move to push the evolution agenda which is considered grave heresy in Islam.

Another ‘Muslim’ superhero is Sooraya Qadir (Dust) who wears an Islamic garment with a niqab and has the ability to turn into sand. The character was developed by Grant Morrison and artist Ethan Van Sciver in December 2002 for the X-Men. She has been featured wearing very revealing clothes too.

It is apparent; the concept of a Muslim superhero with the descriptions given by Marvel studios is totally flawed.

Game developer, Square Enix, in October 2019 included Ms Marvel as a playable character in its game, Marvel’s Avengers. The game was released 15th May 2020. The Ms. Marvel TV show will debut on Disney’s upcoming streaming service in 2021 or 2022. A date for a Ms Marvel movie has not been set yet.

Marvel should concentrate on making money from its fictional stories and refrain from making a mockery of the intellect of Muslims. Those Muslims who applaud this development should learn to look at the big picture. 

Do we really want to have our children taking up heroes who stand to represent ideologies that threaten the main essence of their faith?

Islamic thought is about to be manipulated to accommodate profanities and corruption. 

This is hereby a call to parents to really guard their children against this psychological attack. Muslim countries that care about the spiritual life of their people should also take caution. Countries have the right to block whatever poses a threat to the sanity of their people.

May Allah assist us.

Friday, 3 July 2020

A Ban on Begging Will Destroy Northern Nigeria

A beggar

Nigeria was declared the poverty capital of the world by World Data Lab in June 2018 taking over India. Nigeria ranks 152 out of 157 countries on the World Bank’s Human Capital Index. 

It has been a long time notion that poverty in Nigeria is largely a northern issue; this was confirmed in a publication by the World Bank in February 2020. The publication disclosed that 87% of Nigeria’s poverty load is in northern Nigeria.

Instability in the north resulting from the activities of Boko Haram and unknown gunmen has further bleakened the future of northern Nigeria. 

Businesses have been forced to close and there are hardly any foreign investors who will have the north in their books.

The welfare and livelihood of the populace is a major concern for every sane leadership, it does not look like Nigeria is in that ilk of countries. 

Government and the elite feel no urgency towards providing employment opportunities for the populace neither do they see the need to annihilate the phenomena fueling the hardship being faced by the masses.

Northern Nigeria, where most of the beggars and almajiris come from, has the lowest crime rate in the country. These crimes include armed robbery, human trafficking, prostitution, ritual killing, drug trafficking, internet fraud, counterfeiting and a host of others.

A major reason for this is that northern society does not frown at indigent people coming out in the open to seek help.

Those northerners calling for the criminalization of begging who also include members of the middle and plebian class are doing so majorly to avoid denigrating remarks from southerners and non Muslims. They never take time to consider the repercussions on the northern/Muslim community.

This is in no way an attempt to encourage begging as clarification on the issue can be gotten in the article MISCONCEPTION 4: Islam Encourages Begging

No doubt, the sight of children, the elderly and the disabled begging on the streets is never pleasant however; rapt attention should be paid to the manner with which it is eradicated. Do we fight poverty or do we fight the poor. 

Forcing poor people into hiding creates the perfect opportunity for crime to thrive. If northern states successfully force beggars off the streets (taking away their means of livelihood) then we should expect to see an astronomical surge in the activities that characterize communities where beggars are scorned. 

These activities include prostitution, armed robbery, drug trafficking and many other vices that are currently rare in northern Muslim communities.

The new and trending slogan ‘Government cannot do it alone’ has opened a portal through which Nigerian politicians are escaping their constitutional duties. 

If the building of schools, hospitals, roads, provision of electricity and other amenities are declared ‘everybody’s job’ then, the leadership will feel no urgency in providing them; underdevelopment and poverty will become companions of the people.

The issue is simple, what do you do with a community where 33.5% are unemployed and 60.9% are living in abject poverty?

How Secular Communities Eradicated Poverty

Europe was devastated after the Second World War. A great portion of the population depended on daily alms and charity to survive. European governments did not force beggars into hiding; they eradicated poverty by creating jobs and establishing robust welfare systems.

Muammar Ghaddafi became the leader of Libya in 1969 when it was one of the poorest countries in the world. With the development and standardization of the various sectors that make up the economy coupled with a robust welfare system, Libya was transformed from being one of the most beggared countries in the 20th century to one of the richest countries in the 21st century.

In several non Muslim nations with better economies than Nigeria, begging is legal.

  • U. S. Courts have repeatedly ruled that begging is protected by the First Amendment's free speech provisions.
  • In Finland, begging has been legal in Finland since 1987 when the poor law was invalidated. In 2003, the Public Order Act replaced local government rules and decriminalized begging.
  • In Romania, Law 61 of 1991 forbids the persistent call for the mercy of the public, by a person who is able to work.
  • In France, law against begging ended in 1994.
  • In Poland it is illegal to beg under the Code of petty offences, if they are able to hold a job.

Other western nations where begging is permissible are: Italy, Luxembourg, Austria.

Like was said in the book, ‘The Richest Man In Babylon’ “Life is hard and there will always be some who cannot adjust themselves to it.”

How Islamic Communities Eradicated Poverty

Muslims are credited with establishing the first welfare state, the foundation was laid by Prophet Muhammad (SAW) but the full impact of the system was felt in the reign of the second caliph, Umar Ibn Khattab. 

Islam greatly emphasizes the payment of taxes, Muslims pay the Zakat and non Muslims pay the Jizya. The main essence of these taxes is to cater for the needs of the most vulnerable members of the community. 

The second caliph, Umar, would periodically request the names of the poorest people in the different provinces after which stipends were sent to them for financial upliftment. 

Caliph Umar was also in the habit of going on surveillance walks under the cover of night offering assistance to those he met in need. It is reported that on one of those nights, caliph Umar returned home with all the goodies he went out to distribute because he found no one in need. 

The lesson from this is that Islamic communities eradicated poverty not poor people.

Islamic authorities were known to defend the most vulnerable members of the community by challenging the leadership to uphold their duties to their followers, the current crop of Muslim clerics in Nigeria seems to have broken with precedent in that regard. 

It has become a norm in northern Nigeria to hear imams preaching against giving alms to beggars. They allege that some of the beggars are millionaires and do not deserve alms.

I once asked a prominent cleric in my city who peddled that assertion if he had ever seen a millionaire beggar; of course he hadn’t.

For those who ignorantly argue that Islam has no place for beggars.  

Qabisah ibn Mukhariq reported: I was under debt so I came to the Messenger of Allah (SAW) and I asked him about it. The Prophet said, “Wait until we receive charity, then we will order it to be given to you.” Then the Prophet said, 

"O! Qabisa, begging is not permissible but for one of the three (classes) of persons:

one who gives a guarantee to a large amount to settle the dispute of people, for him begging is permissible till he pays that off, after which he must stop it;

a man whose property has been destroyed by a calamity which has smitten him, for him begging is permissible till he gets what will support life, or will provide him reasonable subsistence; and

a person who has been smitten by poverty, the genuineness of which is confirmed by three members of his peoples, for him begging is permissible till he gets what will support him, or will provide him subsistence.

O! Qabisa, besides these three (every other reason) for begging is forbidden, and one who engages in such consumes what is forbidden".

Hadith No. 2404 (1044), Book of Zakat, Sahih Muslim, Vol. 3; Hadith No. 1640, Book of Zakat, Sunan Abu Dawud, Vol. 2.

Do we have these category of people in northern Nigeria? Yes, we do.

Was Muhammad (SAW) talking nonsense when he permitted this set of people to beg? Only an infidel will answer in the affirmative.

Why then are Muslims, the knowledgeable and the ignorant alike, turning their backs on the Prophet (SAW) to escape responsibility?

Northern Nigeria used to host one of the most Islamically alive communities in the world; it is not certain if that assumption still holds. 

The ever rising rate of poverty resulting from decades of government corruption has pushed many away from Islamic principles. This is chiefly due to the fact that virtually all the bad Muslim leaders have continued to draw strength from Muslim clerics. Nigeria Muslim clerics get rich whenever election campaigns kick-off, the burst of wealth comes from ’gifts’ they receive from politicians for positive portrayals from the pulpit. The poor northern masses are observing this very closely. 

If the beggars are forced back to their houses, it will expose the true magnitude of physical and spiritual poverty that has been napping in the north. 

The knowledge that this was done in league with the Islamic authorities who they trusted will make the masses develop a carapace against religious edicts coming from the clergy. The Islamic institutions will fade into insignificance, the populace will begin to chant ‘separation of mosque and state’ and we just might descend to the level of DR Congo.

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