Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Saudi Arabia Defends China’s Persecution of Uighur Muslims

MBS and Xi Jinping
The Uighur Muslims in the Xinjiang region of China are arguably the most persecuted Muslims in the world. 

Rohingya Muslims are being driven away and told to go practice Islam elsewhere but, Uighur Muslims are being

Wednesday, 14 August 2019

Man Proposes to Girl in Front of the Ka'abah: Is This Heresy?

Proposing in Makkah
A picture has surfaced on social media showing a man on his knees in the vicinity of the Ka'abah facing a woman with a ring box in his hand. In a nut-shell, he was proposing to the woman.

Monday, 12 August 2019

Coffee: A Great Muslim Contribution

Cup of coffee
After crude oil, coffee is the most sort after commodity in the world. Coffee is a beverage gotten from refining coffee beans; a type of seed from coffee plant. The two main species commercially cultivated are Coffea canephora (C. robusta) and Arabian coffee (C. arabica). 

Monday, 5 August 2019

What to Know About the First 10 Days of Dhul Hijjah

Islamic months
Dhul Hijjah (the Month of Hajj) is the 12th month of the Islamic lunar year. During this month the annual pilgrimage to Mecca is made by those who can afford to. However, the actual pilgrimage rites occur on the eighth to 12th days of the month.

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