Friday 3 February 2017

Rihanah Comes Under Fire For Supporting Muslims

Barbadian musician Robyn Rihanah Fenty has come under strong criticism from rapper Azealia Banks after the former wrote on social media criticizing Trump’s visa ban on seven Muslim countries. The 28 year old posted on January 29, “Disgusted! The news is devastating! America is being ruined right before our eyes! What an immoral pig you have to be to implement such BS!!” Azealia in a series of replies to Rihanah suggested that criticizing Trump now after having kept quiet while Barack Obama bombed Muslim countries for 8 years and temporarily ban immigration from Iraq is hypocritical. Even though Azealia systematically admitted that attacks on America by Muslims may be justified, she still went on to justify Trump’s immigration policy. “You don't get to show up in another man's country, kill his young , his wives, ruin his home and think a peace talk Is going to be the end of it. ITS NOT. There's absolutely no way to end this war but to finish it ourselves. It's TERRIBLE, do I agree with it , NO, do I personally like what's happening , NO! But I can say that as an American who enjoys her safety and overall ability to maintain a certain level of ignorance as pertains to the world outside of our borders …” she said. 25 year old Azealia then goes on to suggest that Muslims deserve what they are facing with Trump due to atrocities Arabs (Muslims) have perpetrated against blacks both in the past and present, “MANY Arabs and Muslims in the Middle East still to this day have house slaves, sex slaves.... 6 year old Arab boys being gifted another six year old black boy to be his servant. STILL TO THIS DAY!!!!! Feeling sorrow for the very same group people who were the FIRST and STILL THE LAST to enslave Africans is asssssss backwards. If you want to speak on behalf of ANYONE it should be the millions of unspoken about/hidden black faces of the Middle East. #MAKEEGYPTBLACKAGAIN”, Azealia posted. Azealia Banks has always been known for her quarrelsome attitude to life even on social media.

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